Creating Possibilities... Instead of Problems

DAILY BOOSTS for sanity and laughter – Your personal advent "holidaze" calendar with Dr. Dain >>

Author   Category Limitless Living

If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is a really cool superpower.

Anyhow, it means that when I come across a question that tweaks me, that turns me on, that challenges me — that creates BIG CHANGE — I keep running it.

And running it.

And running it.

In this popular installment of the Tour of Consciousness, I would like you to meet my favorite question. One that actualizes possibilities right out of the gate, even if you don’t THINK so.

Come along to Rome, Italy!

And no, I am not putting the question here.

This question comes with some instructions.

Go watch the video, my friend.

It may change… everything for you. It has for me.  





