We have some hot-off-the-press-freedom-creating questions for you to play with. Write them down, have them in your world, and you can use them for almost everything.
And be warned, these questions may induce massive change.
You wouldn’t desire that though… 😉
Whenever you have a reaction, contraction or twist in your world. Or, if there is an area of your life that you would like to change that is stuck, funky, difficult or heavy….
Ask one or several of these questions:
- ➜ What am I defending and what am I avoiding?
- ➜ What point of view am I defending and avoiding?
- ➜ What point of view am I defending or avoiding that is holding this in place?
Just keep asking, POD and POC-ing what comes up, and keep going until you get to lightness. This new tool has been helping many people unstick themselves from things they have been unable to change for years.
How much lightness is possible for you that has never been available before?
By the way, this question first came up in the Creative Edge of Consciousness. It’s still one of the best kept secrets of Access. Shh… but in case you would like to check it out, go here.
Also, check out the resources below which dive into these questions and something called transactional realities.
✱ WATCH – Are You Avoiding Your Greatness? New video on this tool!
✱ LISTEN – How To Stop Being Disappointed – Podcast about transactional realities and so much more.
Grateful for you,
P.S. For more about me and the Access Consciousness tools, please visit: http://www.drdainheer.com
P.S.S. And for even further exploring, here are six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.