When you meet someone who is willing to be all the difference they are, how do you respond? Does it inspire you? Are you drawn to it? What is different about YOU that you could embrace, rather than trying to hide it or run away…Read More
Discover, celebrate and explore International Being You Day with us! We asked people from all over the world to describe themselves when they are being them. Have a listen and let us know what it is like for you in the comments below. 🙂 What…Read More
Have you ever thought that being different from the pack was a curse? What if acknowledging your difference is one of the missing keys to not only overcoming obstacles in your life…. but to having total freedom? Join us as we discuss this further here!…Read More
Have you read the Being You, Changing the World book? And if no, are you brave enough to start with the very end of the book? 🙂 If yes, what did it shift and change for you? And is now the time to take it…Read More
WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL BEING YOU DAY! The 2nd Annual Being You Day is almost here…. Celebrated May 22 annually by people all over the world, exploring and discovering the gift of their unique differences, the gift of who they are, and what WE ALL are…Read More
Discover, celebrate and explore International Being You Day with us! We asked people what they would say to their younger self… What would you say? Let us know in the comments below. Stay tuned throughout the entire month of May, new videos celebrating each of…Read More
We’re doing it again – celebrating the weird, the wacky, and the wonderful. The International Being You Day 2022! May 22 is the second annual International Being You Day and you, my friend, are very much invited! Check out all of the possibilities below to…Read More
I often talk about what being you is all about. This time I would like to talk about what it is NOT. Let me introduce you to six myths about being you! Join me as I discuss this more in depth in this video… 1….Read More
You can’t be talked into being you — you can only experience it. And choose it. My suggestion: Experience it more! How many experiences can you have that connect you with your being? That puts a smile on your face and makes you come alive!…Read More
If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! The only time difficulties arise is when you go against your knowing. What if when you are…Read More