Welcome to the Body Whispering Book Club with me, Dr. Dain Heer! Have you ever decided that bringing order to the turmoil in our world was your job? Or have you ever thought that if your body had pain, suffering or disease that it must…Read More
What if you could create a different relationship with your body…. One of kindness, caring and communion? What if you began to ask your body questions and truly listened to what it has to say? What if you actually asked your body about everything that…Read More
Take a moment to recall how your relationship with your body began back in childhood… Were you encouraged to listen to your body? Or were you told to listen to how other people thought you should eat, sleep and nourish your body, rather than trust…Read More
Hello Body! Welcome to this mash up of the Tour of Consciousness revisited! Your body is a truly sweet and kind organism. What if you could be kind to your body in return? Take a listen to learn about:
the art of conscious touch….Read More
What if light touch with total presence can be so nurturing as to invite change and healing in a body, if done with kindness and caring, with total presence and no judgment? When was the last time your body was touched like that? When was…Read More
Hello Body Whisperer! What if starting a conversation with your body could be the beginning of the best friendship you’ve ever had? Let me introduce you to a book that can invite you to step into the phenomenal capacities for body whispering that we all…Read More
In the current climate, there seems to be a lot going on with our bodies – stress, tension and worry – but what if something entirely different was possible? Our bodies are so much more aware than we give them credit for. Our bodies have…Read More
This video is not from me….. It is from my sweet body. It had something to say and got a hold of the camera in beautiful Stockholm, Sweden. One of the greatest shifts in my life was when I acknowledged the awareness my body has…Read More
What if you could create a totally new way of being with your body?… A way of communing and caring for it with kindness and ease? And what if, in turn, your body became healthier and had more energy and zest than ever before? After…Read More
Your body is speaking to you… Are you listening? We live in a world where we have been taught to ignore our bodies. Yet, our bodies are giving us subtle clues and information all the time. Join me as I discuss this further on Bloom…Read More