change the world Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

change the world

Five Steps to Change

Author   Category Limitless Living

So here we go! This is an oldie but a goodie with the FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn’t work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY. Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different from almost everyone else’s…. So you really should not…Read More

Stop Making Change Wrong

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if everything that is occurring right now is a gift?  What if this is actually the change we’ve been asking for showing up in a totally different way than we thought possible?  Would that help you stop making change wrong and yourself wrong in…Read More

Chaos Changes Everything

You know how once in a while something comes along that changes your entire life? I mean…REALLY CHANGES your entire life? Do you notice how it’s often a surprise when it happens but totally unmistakeable after the fact? This may just be one of those…Read More

Living the Life You Deserve

Author   Category Limitless Living

A new V-LOG for YOU with behind the scenes footage from my time in Australia and Japan! Living the life you deserve … and rare footage of me dancing… What possibilities are available that you haven’t yet chosen my friend? Until next time or the…Read More

After the US Election – Now What?

Author   Category Being You

This is still our world and we’re the ones who have the power to make a difference. The greatest gift you are my friends, is you BEING YOU. Don’t let anybody get you into resistance and reaction… Don’t let anybody get you into fear… Don’t…Read More

Being You, Changing the World

Author   Category Being You

You are far greater than anything you could think. You’re an energy of being that has never been seen before. Now’s the time to be it, to embody it, to receive the possibilities that go beyond this reality. To step into such allowance of you…Read More

The Age of Miracles

Author   Category Limitless Living

Did you know that Albert Einstein is quoted much more as a great thinker than as a physicist? This is one of my favourites by him: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other…Read More



