For the longest time, I felt like a kid in a grown man’s body. I used to say I was a six-year-old with bigger and better toys. In a way, that was, and still is, true. There is an unquenchable sense of playful wonder at…Read More
As the holiday season draws near, I find myself preparing for a journey to Idaho to see my mother for Christmas. Imagine a charming little house in a small town, where the years have slipped by, and I haven’t visited in what feels like eternity….Read More
Hello there, friend! Let’s take a moment to explore something that seems absolutely vital in our world today—speed. But not just any speed. I’m talking about the unique, individual rhythm that each of us has, the pace we operate from when we’re truly being ourselves….Read More
Hello there, dear reader! I have a question for you today. How do you recognise hope? What I’ve come to realise it that finding hope isn’t a linear process. It can’t really be figured out or forced into existence. It is something that is available…Read More
Hi, nice to meet you. I’ll tell you about me in just a bit, but really, I’d rather learn about YOU. I’d like to know what makes you tick. What puts a really big smile on your face? How did you get into doing whatever…Read More
What if every problem you have in your life that you think is insurmountable could actually change, and transform into something different? What if nothing had to be as hard as it sometimes seems? Believe me, I get that it can seem impossible to keep…Read More
I often talk about what being you is all about. This time I would like to talk about what it is NOT. Let me introduce you to six myths about being you! Join me as I discuss this more in depth in this video… 1….Read More
What if you didn’t need to change in order to be happy? When trying to be happy, so many people think the solution lies in changing something about themselves. Have you ever thought any of the following: 👉 I’d be happier if I was more…Read More
Hi my beautiful friends! We are entering into a time when we might have more time “at home” than we usually do! And, I wanted to quickly share a fun “Top 10 List” of videos from my Tour of Consciousness free video series that might…Read More
With an increasing number of digital distractions and people choosing to interact face-to-face far less, recent decades have witnessed a massive increase in social isolation and loneliness across every generation. Compared to when baby boomers were growing up, health issues such as anxiety and depression…Read More