Here’s something no one tells you: If you don’t create you, the world will. When you wake up in a funk, not feeling happy,…it’s up to you to create your day differently. What if you would choose in 10 second increments to create YOU rather…Read More
Is everything in your head actually yours? I know it can sound a bit weird…but if you really want to have peace and ease in your life, you have to start acknowledging how much of what you are aware of isn’t yours. What do I…Read More
What is consciousness? In Access Consciousness, we explain it like this: Consciousness is where everything exists and nothing is judged. Consciousness is truly the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It’s the ability to…Read More
You will notice that many metaphysical concepts go under the question in Access Consciousness™. That’s how we create tools that are so different and so effective! The idea of having lessons to learn is one of them… truly, would an infinite being have lessons to…Read More
My beautiful friends… here is something you don’t want to know: You know something different than other people know. And it’s time to stop trying to be the same as everyone else; it is time to stop looking to other people for your knowing… Would…Read More
Where else can we go and what else is possible, together? You’ll realize, oh my God, I’m not alone anymore! There are actually people on this planet that are willing to take these steps too and I thought my whole friggin’ life I was the…Read More