Live Beyond Limits

For many of us, early on in life we decided that we were too much and we did all that we could to shrink ourselves down to a size that was acceptable to the world around us. We mimicked what we saw in others. We…Read More
For many of us, early on in life we decided that we were too much and we did all that we could to shrink ourselves down to a size that was acceptable to the world around us. We mimicked what we saw in others. We…Read More
Most of us have been in relationships before. We might be in them now. If you are, is yours fun and exciting? Is it playful? Does it bring more ease and joy into your life? Does it make your life greater? Or, perhaps, there was…Read More
Did you know that Albert Einstein is quoted much more as a great thinker than as a physicist? This is one of my favourites by him: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other…Read More
The first time I heard the mantra of Access, I wanted to KILL! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon” I just wanted to tear the newspaper…Read More
Do you know something else is possible? For you and the world? The Tour of Consciousness is a free on-going video-series with possibilities, inspirations and tools from all over this beautiful Earth of ours. I was given this amazing gift 16 years ago…The tools to…Read More
I was recently asked to share my biggest business regret in magazine. And my response was – Don’t be too hard on yourself! I used to wake up every day judging myself for what I didn’t do yesterday, and at a certain point I…Read More
Have you ever been in a forest that has over 365 different kind of trees? An evergreen forest where leaves are falling all year around? I have now. And the sense of peace was like the softest most insistent embrace, all-encompassing. I just leaned into…Read More
What would your life be like if you didn’t expect anything — from anyone? What would your relationships be like if you could never get disappointed by what the people around you are choosing? What if everything that showed up was…a phenomenal gift? And every…Read More
There is this amazing tool that works regardless of your age, race, religion, income level, IQ or belief system, and it’s here for all of us to use. Yet, few seem to actually embrace the power of it. It’s called “Ask and You Shall Receive.”…Read More
Yes, I am back on the ocean again, riding my jet-ski! How did I get so lucky? When I am dancing with the water, there is NOTHING in my head; no thoughts, feelings, emotions or computations about the right or wrong waves. Just space. I am…Read More