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DAILY BOOSTS for sanity and laughter – Your personal advent "holidaze" calendar with Dr. Dain >>

relationship tips

Tools to Dream

Author   Category Being You

Here we are, at the very trembling beginning of the new year… Are you you checking the score? Are you looking back at what you created last year? Are you looking forward to what you can create next year? Are you a dreamer, my friend?…Read More

What If You Didn’t Have To Be Perfect?

Author   Category Being You

The definition we have of consciousness in Access Consciousness is…where everything exists and nothing is judged. Now imagine if that was true about you and for you and every choice you’ve ever made? What if you didn’t have to be perfect any longer? What if…Read More

The Potency of Allowance

Author   Category Being You

Today I am giving you my best shot at presenting a different perspective on allowance. It really isn’t the same as acceptance. And it really really isn’t being a doormat. Allowance is a more potent agent of change than most people ever realize. Would you…Read More



