You know those times when you ask for — even demand — something different AND IT BLEEPING NEVER BLEEPING SHOWS UP? Those times. I know you have them too. We all do. Well…what if there is a reason for that that is actually…. changeable? Would…Read More
Are there things with your body you would like to change? Or even have tried to change for a very, very long time…without success? What if it is your fixed points of view that are actually creating everything about your body that you can not seem…Read More
What if your past is completely irrelevant? What if it isn’t the past you need to change to create the life you truly desire? What if it is the future that can contribute the most to where you are right now? I went to a magical…Read More
We’re entering a brand new amazing year… The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive; receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I…Read More
We’re entering a brand new amazing year…The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive, receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I made…Read More
This time I’d like to take you to a truly magical place in Costa Rica… El Lugar. Here is your mission, my friend, should you choose to accept it: 1. Go outside and find a tree. It can be small or big, leaf or fir……Read More
Hi from Costa Rica!!! I’d like to invite you to a sense a freedom that I’ve never experienced before. The freedom of functioning without any agendas. I know it sounds silly simple, this agenda thing; but this is a biggie! The more agendas I give up, the…Read More
Did you have fun with my 100 million dollar question and video? If you missed it, please go here to watch. This time I am asking you to be a bit more specific. (Which is kind of funny coming from an ADHD brain on speed,…Read More
Today I have one single question for you… If you had a 100 million dollars, that renewed annually, what would you choose to create? Now if that blows your mind, come along with me to Copenhagen, Denmark and explore this a bit more… Did you…Read More
Here’s a quickie for you and your body – from the lush and luminous rainforest of Costa Rica! So, my friend, would you be willing to have your heart dance from excitement and allow your molecules to vibrate faster than you’ve EVER imagined possible? What…Read More