tour of consciousness Archives - Page 8 of 32 - Dr. Dain Heer

tour of consciousness

Changing Upsets Today

Author   Category Limitless Living

Even though this is from holiday time, these tools work always!  Here’s a quick revisit of an oldie but a goodie Tour of Consciousness! Have you had an upset recently? Over the holidays? Maybe even yesterday? Or 5 minutes ago? Well…I have a tool for…Read More

Are You A Rowdy Warrior Of Consciousness?

Author   Category Being You

If you knew how truly beautiful this world could be, is there anything that you would ever again allow to stop you from creating? If you knew that when you needed it most, you could simply ask and receive whatever information or contribution required…. Would…Read More

Breaking the Comfort Zone

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you ever have the sense your life is set on autopilot? Or that you’re having an ok life instead of the exhilarating joy of LIVING? What if one of the main reasons is that you’ve made your comfort zone more valuable than being fully…Read More

What Is Vital For You?

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if you knew what was truly vital to you? What actually makes you tick, enthused, turned on and fully alive? If you knew that, what would you choose? What would you create? Who would you be? This is one of this game-changers. Again. And…Read More



