uncomfortable space Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

uncomfortable space

Being the Baseline of Space

Author   Category Limitless Living

When you change, does it sometimes get a little bit uncomfortable? Never, right? 😉 And when it gets uncomfortable, do you have total allowance for that and for you? …And just enjoy the ride? Always, I am sure! Anyhow — this is a a tool…Read More

A Workout For Crappy Days

We all have crappy days. Yes, me too. (If you’ve been around for a while, you know this!) And they are not crappy days per se… They are days of extreme un-comfort, due to an intense and instant increase of consciousness. Hence, this installment of…Read More

What If Uncomfort is Not Wrong?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you have uncomfortable days sometimes? Days when consciousness and awareness just seem to make things harder instead of easier? Do you ever make yourself wrong those days? And try to go back to that “old” space that used to be more comfortable… Please don’t! …Read More

The Baseline of Space by Dr Dain Heer

Author   Category Limitless Living

What is the Baseline of Space? Sometimes change can seem really uncomfortable. When you step into something you’ve been asking for that’s different than where you’ve been, it can get really uncomfortable. As you grow and expand, your “baseline of space” changes dynamically. Now, what…Read More



