Would you be willing to try this? Close your eyes. Put your hands on your face. Feel your face in your hands, your hands on your face. Take a deep breath in. Notice how it feels to be present with your body. Connect with…Read More
Polarity is the way this reality is created by most people. They decide what is right and try to head for that. Then they decide what is wrong and try to eliminate that. What if you could embrace it all? So, the tool for…Read More
If you look at the room you are in now, the walls look solid right? But science tells us that the walls are 99.99999% space. What if the limitations in your life work in exactly the same way? What if you can’t walk through…Read More
The question is the key to opening other doorways of possibility. You’ll never see those doors and you’ll never even know they are there – let alone be able to open them – if you don’t ask a question. thought all the stuff in my…Read More
I thought all the stuff in my head was mine. And then I discovered that it was actually all the stuff I was aware of in the world around me. Do you know you can’t handle a problem that isn’t yours? You don’t have to…Read More
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I was given this amazing gift 15 years ago – the tools to change my life! Some of them I’ve introduced to you in the book and in this video series I tell you a bit more how I got there – and also gift you some…Read More