In Access Consciousness we talk a lot about this weird, strange, awkward thing called CHOICE! One of the things that truly changed my whole life, is when I discovered that choice creates awareness — awareness does not create choice. That does spin your head a…Read More
How often do you allow yourself to choose something just because it would be pleasurable to you and your body? How often to you allow yourself to indulge in that pleasure without judgment or guilt? How many walls and barriers come up just at the…Read More
Today I’d like to dive into judgment. Let’s start with just the word RIDING, a nice little word with a godzillion connotations… For example if I say “I’m going to ride my motorcycle” notice it creates a different energy than “I’m going to ride my…Read More
One of the things I finally come to realize is how very much I like things that go FAST. Ever notice how fast talk? Yeah, faster than that. It makes my body happy and makes my whole being go Who-Hooooo! I now have a new…Read More