In times of great change, the common thing to do is to go to fear and contraction… and look at what is required in life to survive financially. But, what if there was another way to move through uncertainty? What if it was more about…Read More
What if you didn’t need to change in order to be happy? So many people, when trying to be happy, think the solution lies in changing something about themselves. Have you ever thought any of the following: I’d be happier if I was more like……Read More
Asking a question is a tool you must have! Most people function in their lives from a lot of conclusions. For example, the conclusion that, ‘These are the only possibilities I have; and these are the possibilities I don’t have.’ What if instead of functioning…Read More
The world is changing. And right now, that change seems to be showing up in ways that are not always easy to have an allowance for — war, hate, lies, floods, and fires. It is so easy to go into the wrongness of it all….Read More
What is creation? It is the actualization of your ASK, my friend! Now what if that could occur with much, much, much, much, much more ease and space than what we could ever imagine? See, most people are taught to create by constantly course-correcting based…Read More
Do you have something going on in your life? That you would like to change but can’t figure out how? Well, my friend… I have THE question for you! Come along to the falling snow in winter Moscow, Russia and I will tell you more!…Read More
How do you usually make friends? Do you tell them how to move? Make them eat things they don’t like? Have sex with people that make them go ” Ehh!”? And judge them continuously for not being beautiful, thin, tall, or strong enough? Well, if…Read More
Dear Amazing You! I called my new podcast The Possibility Explorer – because it’s actually about exploring. I would love to have you listen and explore with me on my second episode! In this episode, I’m exploring the subtle art of asking a true question…Read More
Where is your curiosity? Have you stashed it away, along with your childhood memories? Recently, I was on the Creative Edge of Consciousness telecall and my good friend and business partner Gary Douglas said this…. Curiosity is part of who you are as a Being…….Read More
Have you had an upset recently? Over the holidays? Maybe even yesterday? Or 5 minutes ago? Well…I have a tool for you that can, if you let it, change any upset that comes up in 2020! Interested? If yes, come along to Houston and play…Read More