Before I discovered the Access Bars, I had tried everything. Literally. And, within weeks after making a deal with the universe, that either my life change dynamically, or I’m gone, the Bars came into my world. Over the past 15 years I’ve heard a similar…Read More
How old were you when you decided what your perfect future should look like? Could it have been when you were a kid? And you may not even remember it anymore? Now…what if that perfect projected future is still hanging around? What if it comes…Read More
If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! The only time difficulties arise is when you go against your knowing. What if when you are…Read More
As I travel around the world, I am so grateful for every class I facilitate because they are all so dynamically different. It’s different because the people that show up are different. The energy that each person brings is a gift; to me, to everyone…Read More
Do you sometimes feel like no one really understands you? Has there been always been a longing in your world to find that one person that finally gets you? I have a question for you: What if your need to be understood is actually one…Read More
What if being a leader is not about having followers? What if it’s about knowing what you know and choosing to be a leader in your life regardless of what anyone else thinks or chooses? Every one of us has an amazing capacity to shape…Read More
I think very few kids are born thinking: “when I grow up, I want to become a servant!” I think most of them look with wonder at the world and dream about becoming an astronaut, a bus-driver, a dragon-rider and yes…a princess. Very few dream…Read More
Have you ever felt like you lost you when you entered into a relationship with someone? This is often how relationships ‘work’ in this reality….and it’s the biggest substitute for intimacy and what people misidentify as oneness. Listen to the soundclip below for more on relationships…Read More
This time I am taking you to dinner in Paris! If you want to get into the mood, light some candles, pour a glass of good red wine and cut up some yummy pieces of smelly cheese! The flavors of the City of Love! At…Read More
Success is created one day at a time, one step at a time, and one choice at a time. 15 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined being where I am today and I am so grateful. Would you like to end the negative self-talk? Get…Read More