courage Archives - Dr. Dain Heer


Monsters of Magic

Author   Category Being You

Is there a part of you that somewhere, deep inside, believe that you’re actually a…MONSTER? And how much energy have you been spending hiding that from the world? Here is the question: What if you ARE a monster — a monster of magic? What if that “monster” you are so afraid of being and exposing, is…Read More

Good-Bye Image. Hello Vulnerability!

Author   Category Being You

The Etymology of the word “vulnerability” is wound. The translation is, “as the open wound.” For many of us, our interpretation of this is, “Ahhh! That means somebody’s going to touch me and it’s going to hurt!” And we have plenty of evidence to confirm…Read More

The Kingdom of We

Author   Category Limitless Living

The way I see it, this reality isn’t working, not for us and not for the planet. The recent shootings at the school in Newtown, USA–that I talked about in the previous blog–is just one small example of what is going on here, on our…Read More



