Did you have fun with my 100 million dollar question? (If you missed it, please go here to watch.) This time I am asking you to be a bit more specific. (Which is kind of funny coming from an ADHD brain on speed, fighting with…Read More
Most of us are told that if we focus on money, we will get money…. But when you make your life about money, it stops being about the gift of living and the joy of thriving – it becomes all about surviving. What if, instead,…Read More
Hello beautiful people! We’ve made it to #6 of the 6 Tips to Create Money with Ease by Being You! 🥳 Now, if you remember, I kinda left you on a cliffhanger with the last tip… so this tip is the very next step. So,…Read More
Have you ever avoided something and then discovered it was for no good reason? Maybe you have noticed that the things we resist or avoid can be a huge contribution? Let’s have a straight talk about money and the tools that can change your financial…Read More
Tip #5 – Acknowledge who you are being with money! Try this out! When you notice yourself feeling weird about money… Or you have a situation that involves money, and it makes you feel strange…. Ask yourself: Who am I being? Where did I learn…Read More
Hey beautiful people! I’m going to be coming to you for the next few days with some tips that you can institute right away on how to be you and create money! Last time I talked about bringing joy to everything you do. Today we’re…Read More
Hello everyone! Are you ready for Tip #3 for Creating Money with Ease By Being You? Well, ready or not, it’s coming at ya! Tip #3 is….. Put 10% of every dollar that comes in away as an honoring of you and don’t spend it….Read More
Welcome back to 6 Tips to Create Money By Being You! Last time I talked about bringing joy to everything you do. Today we’re going to flip it 180 degrees…. Tip #2- Do at least one thing a day that brings *you* joy. Ever heard…Read More
Hey beautiful people! I’m going to be coming to you for the next few days with some tips that you can institute right away on how to be you and create money! Tip #1 – Do it for the joy of it! Money follows joy….Read More
What does business look like to you? For Simone, it was a briefcase her father had, that turned out to contain just his lunch and the newspaper…. Everything is never what it seems… Join Simone and I as we strip away how we think business…Read More