Have you had an upset recently? Over the holidays? Maybe even yesterday? Or 5 minutes ago? Well…I have a tool for you that can, if you let it, change any upset that comes up! Interested? If yes, come along to Houston and play with me….Read More
You know how once in a while something comes along that changes your entire life? I mean…REALLY CHANGES your entire life? Do you notice how it’s often a surprise when it happens but totally unmistakeable after the fact? This may just be one of those…Read More
When you change, does it sometimes get a little bit uncomfortable? Never, right? 😉 And when it gets uncomfortable, do you have total allowance for that and total allowance for you… and just enjoy the ride? Always, I am sure! Anyhow — this is a…Read More
This is a doozie. Especially if you’ve ever been in a relationship. Or are in one. Or would like to be at some point in the future. Then this one is for you. Just saying… May your hidden agendas no longer be with you. Dain…Read More
What if judgement did not affect you? I know it is a big ask. And really, what would it change and create in your life if judgement was not your source of creation and choice? Freedom? Joy? Space? Wealth? Come along for a run with…Read More
This video is not from me, my friend. It is from my sweet body. It had something to say and got a hold of the camera in beautiful Stockholm, Sweden… One of the greatest shifts in my life was when I acknowledged the awareness my…Read More
You know that thing we used to do… intercontinental traveling? Well, I did it! I went from Houston, Texas to beautiful Casalborgone, Italy. And the very first thing I did when I arrived was this installment of the Tour of Consciousness for you all! Join…Read More
Sometimes the creations you know are on their way to becoming something truly amazing, brilliant and unique seem to just… disappear. And you shrug your shoulders and say: ‘Oh well. I did it again.’ What if it isn’t true that it has disappeared, my friend?…Read More
What if there is something larger than life — and beyond the boring monotony often referred to as “life”? What if that something is as simple as being totally ALIVE, with every molecule in your body and being present and vibratingly…ON? Are you ready for…Read More
Today I am giving you my best shot at presenting a different perspective on allowance. It really isn’t the same as acceptance. And it really really isn’t being a doormat. Allowance is a more potent agent of change than most people ever realize. Would you…Read More