tour of consciousness Archives - Page 18 of 32 - Dr. Dain Heer

tour of consciousness

Getting Over Yuck

What if the thing that makes us more normal, average, and real than anything else is having YUCK in our life? In this reality, it is considered perfectly normal to have problems and issues and be a bit …cranky.  I am not disagreeing. That is…Read More

The JOY of Living!

I’m revisiting old Tour of Consciousnesses from my past travels to talk about these amazing Access Consciousness tools again, and to revisit different discoveries and awarenesses I’ve had through the years! I can talk very fast…you may have noticed? And I’ve finally come to realize…Read More

Experience Being You Today

Author   Category Being You

You can’t be talked into being you — you can only experience it. And choose it. My suggestion: Experience it more! How many experiences can you have that connect you with your being? That puts a smile on your face and makes you come alive!…Read More

What If You Are…Miraculous?

Author   Category Limitless Living

This is an older Tour of Consciousness on my quest to show you that you are miraculous!  These tools are still so relevant and useful now.  This Tour of Consciousness was from 2016 during my beautiful visit to Israel. Now, I get that you may…Read More

What’s Right About This?

Author   Category Being You

Come with me as I revisit an old Tour of Consciousness from Australia!  The world is changing. And right now, that change seems to be showing up in ways that are not always easy to have an allowance for — war, hate, lies, floods, and…Read More



