tour of consciousness Archives - Page 23 of 32 - Dr. Dain Heer

tour of consciousness

Tired? Try This!

Do you sometimes think that you’re tired? Like … REALLY TIRED?! Yep, me too. I have a lot going on. There are so many reasons and justifications for me being tired, that it nearly has to be true for me to exist in this reality…….Read More

Your Mutant Capacities

Author   Category Being You

Are you fighting for or against being different? Or are you actually doing both at the same time? A lot of us are! Come along to Noosa, Australia for my latest installment of the Tour of Consciousness… We desperately long to be the difference we…Read More

Are You A Fighter?

Are you a fighter? Someone who continuously finds things to fight for? Or against? In your relationships, at work, in the world? In you?? What if being a fighter is not your only choice?  What if there is a completely different way of functioning in…Read More



