What is choice? Well, that’s the biggest AND most simple conversation. 😉 Here’s my tip for you: If you truly desire choice in your life, learn to follow the energy. But, here’s a trick: the energy is not outside of you somewhere in the world….Read More
Choice is not what you think it is. So many of our cognitive choices are usually based on trying to solve our problems… And then, our non-cognitive choices are based on trying to fit in with others. What if choice isn’t about that? What if…Read More
Who’s ready for a deep dive today? Put on your energetic scuba gear, because we’re going where few dare! Join me as we delve deeply into the the subject of choices that create the future, my friends…. What do you know that goes so far…Read More
I noticed that just the word CHOICE sometimes make people cringe… “I can’t choose.” ” I don’t want to choose.” “Why do I have to choose?” “Please, please, please choose for me!” Weirdly enough, most people don’t understand what choice truly is. And yet, the…Read More
Choice is the most misunderstood capacity that we have. Choice has the capacity to create a different reality for us and others, the capacity to create a different life for us and others, and the capacity to create a phenomenal future for our world. When…Read More
In Access Consciousness we talk a lot about this weird, strange, awkward thing called CHOICE! One of the things that truly changed my whole life, is when I discovered that choice creates awareness — awareness does not create choice. That does spin your head a…Read More
Do you know a really good way to get YOU to do something? Let me show you… 3…2…1…. You can’t read this email! No, STOP! You’re not allowed! Stop reading! I forbid you to read this email! What happens? Well…you’re still reading, right? I know…Read More
We’re at a crux point in time, my friend . . . and your energy, YOUR CHOICE, and your difference are what will create the future. (No pressure! 😉 ) If you knew that YOUR CHOICE is the key to changing and creating EVERYTHING you…Read More