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Posts Written by: Dr. Dain Heer

Stop Battling Your Past

Author   Category Being You

Have you ever gotten stuck in rut and didn’t know how to break free? Has something happened in your past that seems like it’s stopping you from moving forward? If you have the right tools, I believe there’s nothing you cannot change. Here are a few…Read More

A Date with the Earth

We are so incredibly lucky to be living on this amazingly beautiful Earth… Planets like this are hard to find! Yet we forget. We forget that we walk on one of the greatest contributions to our lives, our bodies and beings. What if every day…Read More

Running Naked Again

Author   Category Body Talk

It is time for a game-changer again! And yes, I am exploring it running naked through the streets of Stockholm! This is not one to be missed! Are you ready? Go here for the video: With every step that hit the pavement, I am letting…Read More

Running with the Universe #4

Author   Category Body Talk

I’ve been out running again, with the universe right beside me, as usual. I say… do it! Run! Especially if you’re in a crappy mood! Well, you don’t have to actually run. You could walk, swim, dance, skit, bungy-jump…with the universe. The key is moving…Read More

Running With The Universe

Here’s a 3-part video series I created for the Tour of Consciousness called “Running with the Universe!” Are you ready to run? Part 1: Universe Show Me Something Beautiful! Part 2: What is different about you, your reality and the way you function, that if…Read More

How to Embrace Change

Author   Category Being You

What if hitting rock bottom could be one of the best things that ever happened to you? Ever lose a job or get dumped? What if it’s actually the change that you’ve been asking for showing up in a totally different way than you expected?…Read More



