Dr. Dain Heer, Author at Dr. Dain Heer - Page 14 of 16

Posts Written by: Dr. Dain Heer

Joy or Struggle?

Have you ever wanted to kill yourself?  I have – and well, as you can see, I didn’t!  What is beyond struggling and hating your life?  Would you be willing to consider the possibility of a lot more joy?  What if you could go back…Read More

Creating YOUR Reality

Author   Category Limitless Living

If you could wake up tomorrow with no past, no limitations, no expectations from others… what would you choose?   If you could wake up tomorrow and have any energy available, what would it be?  What else could you add that would increase the beauty of…Read More

What’s Beyond Boredom?

Author   Category Limitless Living

“Boredom is not a potent energy. Is it a mask for some other energy?”   was a great question from a recent participant at a Being You, Changing the World class! [audio:http://drdainheer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Blog-8-Boredom.mp3|titles=Blog #8 Boredom] How often do you get bored?  How often do you use boredom…Read More



