access consciousness tools Archives - Page 25 of 83 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness tools

Being Undefined

Author   Category Limitless Living

Enjoy this 10 Hour Loop of an Energetic Synthesis of Being, ESB, with me! When you get greater, our world gets greater. How beautiful can our world be? Imagine walking through the world and perceiving the beauty within and through everything, including you? Join me…Read More

No More Judgment!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Welcome to another Tour Of Consciousness Revisited! In this mash-up, we’ll be looking at judgment. What would it be like to have a judgment-free day? And what if you, being free of judgment, will invite others to that cocoon of possibilities? Join me as I…Read More

This is OUR Planet

What unique communion do you have with the Earth? And with every living element on the planet? This is our planet. What choice can you make and what can you BE that will change our future and this planet’s future? Now is the space my…Read More

Nobody Can Be THAAAT Happy

Author   Category Limitless Living

Remember the last installment in this series? About being willing to know what you actually LOVE? Ok! Here are my questions for you today: Do you actually maybe possibly love being…happy? And have you possibly maybe hidden your happy since you’ve continuously been told that…Read More

Kindness, Chaos & Change

Author   Category Limitless Living

When kindness is present every possibility is available. The ultimate kindness is the gift of change and possibilities: whatever it looks like. We’ve all heard the stories about how an act of kindness instills enough chaos and change into someone’s world that it totally changes…Read More



