What does your body know? About itself, about you, about consciousness, life, and the universe? What would happen if we started to ask it? And listen to the answers it whispers back? In this episode of “Feeding The Wolf Of Possibilities”, I got to speak…Read More
If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! Difficulties arise when you go against your knowing. What if when you are being you, when you…Read More
I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Richard Schuster on his The Daily Helping Podcast. We explored so many things…. including how discovering the tools of Access Consciousness totally changed my life and started me on the trajectory of me being me…. Access gave…Read More
I desired to revisit and share a program I created a while back that has tools to create so much more freedom in your world… The Ten Keys To Freedom The Ten Keys to Total Freedom is a 21 day program designed to give you…Read More
Today I would like to teach you how to take a particular part of clothing off: your cranky pants. (For my foreign co-travelers… Cranky is an American term for ill-tempered and irritable.) Here is a clue…. What if those darn cranky pants are not even…Read More
Nurturing Our Children’s Mental Health What would change in the world if we began to teach kids and young people the value of their awareness and what they know? Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the PakMag Parents Podcast, where host Bree…Read More
Today I am giving you my best shot at presenting a different perspective on allowance. It really isn’t the same as acceptance. And it really really isn’t being a doormat. Allowance is a more potent agent of change than most people ever realize. Would you…Read More
You always know. Your knowing is instantaneous. Literally, it’s like as soon as you think of something or as soon as you ask something, or as soon as somebody else asks you something, you get this awareness of what it’s going to be like. Your…Read More
We’ve been taught to use our minds as though they are the creation of our life and living. In actuality, the way I see it, your mind is actually a mechanism for control, not a mechanism for possibilities. It is a mechanism for destroying the…Read More
I am interested in who WE TRULY BE, beyond the mimic, the mask and image. In my point of view, it is from that space we can create the future we truly desire and require…since it is from that space we’ll KNOW WHAT THAT IS….Read More