My beautiful friends… here is something you don’t want to know: You know something different than other people know. And it’s time to stop trying to be the same as everyone else; it is time to stop looking to other people for your knowing… Would…Read More
Where else can we go and what else is possible, together? You’ll realize, oh my God, I’m not alone anymore! There are actually people on this planet that are willing to take these steps too and I thought my whole friggin’ life I was the…Read More
Three questions that could totally change your life… and the world… and the universe… and all of the possibilities that have ever been or could be… wanna play? 1. What is it you’d like to be that you have been unwilling, unable or refusing to…Read More
Have you ever asked: “What contribution am I that I have never acknowledged before?” Enjoy this Access Consciousness™ mini Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB) taster with me, Dr. Dain Heer, where you get to explore the energy of what this is for you! Get comfortable…Read More