holiday stress Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

holiday stress

Speeding Up The Holidaze

Author   Category Limitless Living

If you live in a part of the world that celebrates Christmas — or any other holiday this time of year– good on you! Welcome to one of the most interesting times of the year for the acutely aware! 🙂 This is my holiday greeting…Read More

Eat, Drink, and Be Joyful

Is the hustle and bustle of this time of the year wearing you out? Does the franticness of the shopping, dinner parties and family gatherings leave you feeling tired, less than satisfied… maybe even sad and depressed? If you answered yes to any of these…Read More

The Tree Is Back

Not sure if you’ve noticed but most people live in a weird, weird world during the holidays. Now…that is NOT YOUR WORLD. Or rather, it doesn’t have to because YOU HAVE TOOLS. (Hurray!) This instalment of the Tour of Consciousness is a mini-reminder of some of…Read More



