We all have moments when we get frustrated, lose momentum or feel stuck. How many times when that occurs do people say, “You just need to get motivated!” The problem with motivation is that it functions on the idea that there is something wrong with…Read More
Most of us spend our entire lives trying to become someone or something that we never truly desired to be in the first place. We’re taught from a very young age to look around the world and mimic what people around us decide is good,…Read More
I am on a horse again! This time riding through in the green, luscious and vibrantly alive rainforest of Costa Rica. (And oh yes, it is the same hat!) How did I get so lucky? How did my body? Have you ever noticed that when…Read More
Have you ever judged you? Or woken up feeling heavy, depressed and like nothing is working? What if you could get out of seeing what’s wrong about you and tap into all that is right and brilliant about you? When I was in San Diego…Read More
Remember the last video in my Tour of Consciousness Series? About being willing to know what you actually LOVE? (If you missed it, don’t despair, HERE it is!) Ok! Here are my questions for you today: Do you actually maybe possibly love being…happy? And have…Read More
We come into this world wide-eyed and knowing that anything is possible. Then we try to figure out this reality and how to get things right. How has that worked for you? Are you ever allowed to be you when you are in a constant…Read More
What if you could be totally vulnerable in the face of judgment? Have you ever noticed that when you truly choose to have and be you, people get uncomfortable? And have you noticed that when somebody is uncomfortable, you will do anything to try to…Read More
Today I’d like to dive into judgment. Let’s start with just the word RIDING, a nice little word with a godzillion connotations… For example if I say “I’m going to ride my motorcycle” notice it creates a different energy than “I’m going to ride my…Read More
One of the things I finally come to realize is how very much I like things that go FAST. Ever notice how fast talk? Yeah, faster than that. It makes my body happy and makes my whole being go Who-Hooooo! I now have a new…Read More