You know how once in a while something comes along that changes your entire life? I mean…REALLY CHANGES your entire life? Do you notice how it’s often a surprise when it happens but totally unmistakeable after the fact? This may just be one of those…Read More
The first time I heard the mantra of Access, I wanted to KILL! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon” I just wanted to tear the newspaper…Read More
Do you know something else is possible? For you and the world? The Tour of Consciousness is a free on-going video-series with possibilities, inspirations and tools from all over this beautiful Earth of ours. I was given this amazing gift 16 years ago…The tools to…Read More
You know those days when everyone and everything just ANNOYS you? Well, what if I told you that on your quest for increased awareness, you’ll have a LOT OF days like that; irky, irritated and CRANKY! (Consciousness is not for sissies!) When your awareness exceeds…Read More
Do you know what is stopping you from creating the life and living you truly desire? Well, let me start by saying that is not what you think it is… It is not your money situation, your frazzled looks or sad childhood. It is something…Read More
Yes, I am back on the ocean again, riding my jet-ski! How did I get so lucky? When I am dancing with the water, there is NOTHING in my head; no thoughts, feelings, emotions or computations about the right or wrong waves. Just space. I am…Read More
We all have moments when we get frustrated, lose momentum or feel stuck. How many times when that occurs do people say, “You just need to get motivated!” The problem with motivation is that it functions on the idea that there is something wrong with…Read More
Is there a part of you that somewhere, deep inside, believe that you’re actually a…MONSTER? And how much energy have you been spending hiding that from the world? Here is the question: What if you ARE a monster — a monster of magic? What if that “monster” you are so afraid of being and exposing, is…Read More
So many of us are looking for a sense of ease and a sense of space. Yet how do we find it when our heads are full of so much STUFF, and stuff that’s not even ours? What if none of it was yours? We…Read More
It is whole brand shiny new year! Just start by tapping into those 365 days in front of you…what else is possible now? What questions can you ask that have never been asked before? What can you create this year, that will out-create everything that…Read More