Do you know a really good way to get YOU to do something? Let me show you… 3…2…1…. You can’t read this email! No, STOP! You’re not allowed! Stop reading! I forbid you to read this email! What happens? Well…you’re still reading, right? I know…Read More
We’re at a crux point in time, my friend . . . and your energy, YOUR CHOICE, and your difference are what will create the future. (No pressure! 😉 ) If you knew that YOUR CHOICE is the key to changing and creating EVERYTHING you…Read More
Do you sometimes feel like you are a bit shut off? Like a tiny bit … dull and dry? What if you could choose to be fully alive? Right now? What if this is the time to have the grand adventure of living? Just saying!…Read More
What if we can build things together with nature? Like houses, cities, the whole darn world, and our future? Instead of against it, by using and destroying it. Yea. I know… those are pretty harsh words. And yet, full of possibilities! Because we can –…Read More
You can’t be talked into being you — you can only experience it. And choose it. My suggestion: Experience it more! How many experiences can you have that connect you with your being? That puts a smile on your face and makes you come alive!…Read More
I noticed that just the word CHOICE sometimes makes people cringe. People say, “I can’t choose… I don’t want to choose…. Why do I have to choose?…Please, please, please choose for me!” Weirdly enough, most people don’t understand what choice truly is. And yet, the…Read More
Do you realize that every time you judge something, or get frustrated by something, it is because YOU (yes you) have been there and done that? And contributed to its existence. In some version, in some way, at some time. What if you are actually the…Read More
I got to speak with my good friend Brendon Watt for International Being You Day on May 22, 2021. Please join me here as we talk about choice, happiness, and choices we can make towards even more! What can you choose now?! Dain P.S. This…Read More
I’m so grateful. I got to speak with one of my favorite people and friend Simone Milasas for International Being You Day on May 22, 2021! Please join me here as we talk about choices, just leaping, and so much more! What if your one…Read More
What would you choose if you were being you? Sounds like a strange question, doesn’t it? I mean, logically, who else would you be? But seriously, how many times have you tried to be someone that you are not? Every time you alter your behavior…Read More