earth wizards Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

earth wizards

Dear Earth Loop

Author   Category Limitless Living

Dear Earth, What do you know? What can I receive from you today? What can I contribute to you today? What awareness can I have about what’s possible and what it will take for us to create a sustainable living future? Join me on a…Read More

Calling All Earth Wizards

Earth Wizards isn’t a class, it’s a movement of people committed to creating a better future for our planet. What would it take to create healing for our earth? Join me as I discuss this further… Major changes across the planet were instituted when enough…Read More

Take Off Your Shoes

How would you describe life here on Earth right now? Ok? Fine? Cray-cray? : – ) What if it could be … magical? And what if the key to creating that kind of life, living, and future for all of us living on this planet…Read More



