You know those people that have to be right all the time? Do you sometimes get annoyed by them? Just a little? 🙂 Here is the thing; If someone functions from the rightness of their point of view, everything stops moving and contracts instead. There…Read More
I think many of us have developed a seventh sense for…needs. We’re continuously aware of the needs around us, our own and others, spoken or unspoken. And we’ve been taught to make them very, very VALUABLE. Right now, in my point of view, needs rule…Read More
This is probably the longest video I’ve ever made! So be warned, my friend; it is nearly 12 min long. Whew! 🙂 So what inspired that, you ask? Well, I read something online… It was an open letter from someone who functions without any judgement,…Read More
Ok, it is nearly 2015! The bells may already be ringing in some part of the world… Here is the thing; I don’t have any suggested New Years resolutions for you. In fact, I would say any resolution so easily becomes the start of a new…Read More
It is time to introduce what may seem like a quite basic tool about the UNIVERSE, you and…everything! Yet, please trust me; this is a game-changer in its dynamic simplicity! However, before we begin, here is some help for people who have English as their second,…Read More
For fourteen years Oprah ran a column in O Magazine called “What I Know For Sure.” It’s an interesting question.  In truth, the longer I have played with Access tools, the more I have found that almost everything I thought was true and real throughout…Read More
Are you aware of the intense disharmony most of this world functions from? I would say that would be a big big….YES! Btw, the plants, the animals and our very planet function from harmony. It’s just us stupid two-leggeds that don’t. 🙂 And have you…Read More
All our lives we keep trying to fit in with people we think are valuable. But what if what that really means is that you spend all your energy on trying to change you to fit in with other people that have no caring for…Read More
You know those times when you react in a way that seems almost automatic? What if you actually have choice in every single situation? Even the times when it doesn’t seem like it? Even the times when you get sad, weird or angry in a…Read More
I know most of you are acutely aware of the needs of every single person around you. Way more aware than you may even want to know… Sometimes that is not easy — cause you my friend, also CARE about people way more than you…Read More