access consciousness tools Archives - Page 29 of 83 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness tools

Time to Finally Fire Your Mind?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you realize that we use our mind to create a separation between us and our energetic awareness? The mind functions like a very conservative stingy gate-keeper, making sure only what it recognizes and judges as good and real can come through. That, my friend,…Read More

Getting Past Cranky Pants

Author   Category Limitless Living

Consciousness is not just about being happy all the time! And even after  many years of using the tools from Access Consciousness​, I too have a bad day (or days) every now and then. The change you’re asking for never shows up the way you…Read More

Run By Your Feelings?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Does it sometimes seem like you are run by your feelings? What if there is a completely different way of functioning in the world available? It is funny — for a long time, when I started to explore who I as, way before Access Consciousness,…Read More

COP = What?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Your life doesn’t have to be about limitation anymore. It doesn’t have to be about re-creating the same old thing. You can have the awareness of what you would actually like your life to be like… And in the Choice for Possibilities class, you get…Read More

What The Bleep Is NMFTG?

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if you finally gave up living someone else’s life? What if you stopped choosing everything based on what is considered good, right and appropriate? What if the only thing that really matters is what you know – and what creates enthusiasm in you? Join…Read More



