As a society, we put a lot of expectations on young men to behave in a gentlemanly manner: e.g. to be respectful of others, to pursue a career, to provide for the future, and to eventually have a family and be a solid and dependable…Read More
How much do you judge you? A little? A lot? Almost always? How many times, just today, have you felt badly about yourself or compared yourself to someone else and decided you did not measure up? For most of us, judging ourselves is something we…Read More
What is your new ask? Normally, this happens at the beginning of the year. But what if you made a new ask at ANY TIME in the year… If you could ask for ANYTHING, what would it be? With your family, body, money, your relationship…?…Read More
Do you realize that you, yourself, are the one teaching people how to treat you? Annoying, huh? 🙂 And it is not necessarily cognitively or consciously. Yet, you are the one that is exactly the energy that shows them how to be towards you and…Read More
With the rise of stress, anxiety and depression in today’s world, chances are you know at least one person who struggles with depression. If that person is someone you care about deeply, it be can be tough to navigate. How can you be there for…Read More
How much do you judge you? A little? A lot? Almost always? For most of us, judging ourselves is something we do on a daily basis. Something we are very good at. Negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves are detrimental to our health, our relationships…Read More
Being a true gentleman is about being the greatest you can be as a man, whatever that looks like for you. While visiting Australia, I had the pleasure of speaking on the Morning Show Melbourne. Please join us, as we discuss this very subject. What if we…Read More
Recently, I was interviewed on the online publication Urbasm by Dr. Eric J. Leech. What follows is the interview! We discussed being a gentleman in the world. Do you know what it means to be a gentleman right now? If we stumped you with that question,…Read More
If there was something really easy you could do ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening to change your life… … to change this reality, … and the whole darn world, WOULD YOU? If you get a yes, come along to…Read More
Welcome to the 3rd Annual International Being You Day!!!! I’m so happy you are here. 🙂 If you are truly being you, you will be different. Difference is where our greatness is. It is everything that is truly great about us, and for most of…Read More