Are you sometimes a procrastinator… Someone who puts things off to the last minute? Well, I am. Or maybe I was… 🙂 So what is the stalling of creation all about? Come along to Houston, and I will share some insights I’ve been having around…Read More
What if everything that is occurring right now is a gift? What if this is actually the change we’ve been asking for showing up in a totally different way than we thought possible? What if what has the chance to be created right now is…Read More
A Day Without Judgement Welcome to another Tour of Consciousness revisited! In this mash-up, we’ll be looking at judgment. What would it be like to have a judgment free day? And what if you, being free of judgment, invites others to that possibility? Take a…Read More
Did you have fun with my 100 million dollar question and video? If you missed it, please go here to watch. This time I am asking you to be a bit more specific. (Which is kind of funny coming from an ADHD brain on speed,…Read More
Here’s an exhilarating quickie for you and your body – from the lush and luminous rainforest of Costa Rica! Are you ready to have your heart dance from excitement?! 😉 So, my friend, would you be willing to have your heart dance from excitement and…Read More
What if the tumultuous events around the world are a call to action? For all of us. What if now is the time to step up even MORE? The insanity of the world just seems to be growing… I know, I agree. It is…everywhere. And…Read More
I have a quickie for you. An essential piece of information on this amazing journey of consciousness. Here we go. The first step of changing something is acknowledging what is. Once you acknowledge what is, you can change anything. Would you like a live example…Read More
There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially — it also creates big ARGHHH in the people around us that would much…Read More
Does it sometimes seem like you are run by your feelings? What if there is a completely different way of functioning in the world available? It is funny — for a long time, when I started to explore who I as, way before Access Consciousness,…Read More
Let me just start with YES, you are correct, I am a bit blurry in this video below. EARTH JUST TOOK OVER. The big trees and tiny leaves desired to be seen and flirt with you all. Come along to Langkawi, Malaysia and see what…Read More