Let’s Play With the Earth! What if you of could start or end your day with a 30-minute recording of playing with the Earth? Join me for an energetic earth exploration with an Energetic Synthesis of Communion (aka an ESC). These 30 minutes allows you…Read More
Here are 3 tips (or actually more) for getting over the gloom when you’re stuck in the yuck! Remember, you are not alone, my beautiful friends. You are actually a gift to this world. Welcome to a Facebook Live with me… How is that frown…Read More
9 Minutes of the Magic Today! It was Liam, Ika, myself … and a few thousand other brave beings who went on an adventure into being! Would you like a taste of that? Then these 9 minutes are for you! Join us for this fun…Read More
When you wake up in the morning, what do you first think of… Problems or possibilities? What if that sets you on the path for the rest of your day? And what if you could actually choose which of the two p’s to navigate from?…Read More
Are You Searching For Happiness? On a random Wednesday 22 years ago, I had given up hope! I literally set a date to end my life, if something drastic didn’t change. After living with years of abuse as a child, I always knew there had…Read More
Believing in that “perfect” partner… placing your happiness in someone else’s hands… and trying to force an existing relationship to match some ideal you have in your head destroys your potential for real, lasting love before you can even realize it. It’s actually incredibly destructive to…Read More
I had the honor of being featured amongst other relationship experts in Popsugar’s publication, “50 Pieces of the Best Marriage Advice We’ve Ever Collected“. Here are a few of the tips that you can incorporate in your life which make such a difference in all…Read More
What if the tumultuous events around the world are a call to action? For all of us. What if now is the time to step up even MORE? The insanity of the world just seems to be growing… I know, I agree. It is…everywhere. And…Read More
When I was at my lowest point 17 years ago, I made a decision. The decision was that I was going to end it all. I even set the date. 6 months from the day of my decision, unless something changed significantly, I was out…Read More
This is a doozie. Especially if you’ve ever been in a relationship. Or are in one. Or would like to be at some point in the future. Then this one is for you. Just saying… May your hidden agendas no longer be with you. Dain…Read More