Feeling Strange AF? It’s not your fault. Recognize that you’re highly aware. Holiday season is like a big game of telephone with billions of people! During this episode, I share my favorite tools to have more fun, more space, more lightness and more of YOU…Read More
Are you longing to contribute more to the world? Or would you maybe like the world to contribute more to you? What the bleep is contribution to you? And what if 99% of everything that you’ve decided it is and isn’t, is actually something completely…Read More
Not sure if you’ve noticed but most people live in a weird, weird world during the holidays. Now…that is NOT YOUR WORLD. Or rather, it doesn’t have to be, because YOU HAVE TOOLS. (Hurray!) This installment of the Tour of Consciousness is a mini-reminder of…Read More
On Christmas day, many years ago, tens of thousands of people joined me on a Facebook LIVE for a very freeing conversation about … refined judgement. What is refined judgement? It’s all of those energetic whisps of judgment you’re aware of … Judgement that has…Read More
If you live in a part of the world that celebrates Christmas — or any other holiday this time of year– good on you! Welcome to one of the most interesting times of the year for the acutely aware! 🙂 This is my holiday greeting…Read More
It is that time of year again… with glitter and family and expectations and singing and St. Clauses and shopping and turkey and pie and invisible jingle-bells on an eternal loop. The Happy Holidays. How did we get so lucky to have this yearly test…Read More
What if you could bring YOU with you wherever you go? Even when you’re find yourself out of your element, in un-chartered territory? Like with family! 🙂 Would that create more ease in your world? And possibly also for everyone around you? We tend to…Read More
How big are you willing to be with your family? How uncomfortable are you willing to make them by going beyond all the roles you’ve been given and bought as true? How much space are you willing to invite them to by not turning yourself…Read More
It is time for the final part of my very special Holiday Guide to get you out of the muck! This is kind of a big one. With this tool you can take on ANYTHING. It is your very own magic wand, my friend. I…Read More
It is me again! I have a Holiday Challenge for you! The challenge… What if you could just LIKE YOU, as you are, for the next few days? What if you did not have to to be perfect, to be wonderful? And what if you…Read More