Dr. Dain Heer, Author at Dr. Dain Heer - Page 59 of 129

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Posts Written by: Dr. Dain Heer

What If You Can Be Happy?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Sometimes I would like to give you EVERYTHING, immediately, right freaking now. This is one of those times! So this installment of the Tour of Consciousness is a bit long … 20 min. : – ) My gift to you! 🙂 See, I’ve been given…Read More

What Do You Desire?

If I ask you: What do you truly desire? Do you have the answer ready? Maybe even a ten-point list? Prioritized by importance? 🙂 Maybe. Some of you do. And many of you can’t find the right words and feel kind of “wrong” since you…Read More

More Ease Joy and Glory!

There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially, it also creates a big ARGHHH in the people around us who would much…Read More

3 Days of Cranky Pants

Author   Category Limitless Living

Consciousness is not just about being happy all the time! And even after 17 years of using the tools from Access Consciousness​, I too have a bad day every now and then. The change you’re asking for never shows up the way you think it’s…Read More

Is It Time to Fire Your Mind?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you realize that we use our mind to create a separation between us and our energetic awareness? The mind functions like a very conservative stingy gate-keeper… Making sure only what it recognizes and judges as good and real can come through. That, my friend,…Read More

Being Authentic

Author   Category Being You

I have a question for you. What if the biggest obstacle keeping you from being the greatness that you are, is the fact that you are pretending to be someone you are not? Just take a moment to consider that. How does it feel? Light…Read More

Being Me?

Author   Category Being You

I love leading these amazing 3.5 day workshops designed to help people become more self aware on their journey toward self actualization and self empowerment.  The level of change and possibility that occurs in these classes is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. And as people…Read More



