Dr. Dain Heer, Author at Dr. Dain Heer - Page 128 of 129

What if you can change anything with interesting point of view? Including your money flows >>

Posts Written by: Dr. Dain Heer

Having Allowance and Awareness

You know those days when everyone and everything just ANNOYS you? Well, what if I told you that on your quest for increased awareness, you’ll have a LOT OF days like that; irky, irritated and CRANKY! (Consciousness is not for sissies!) When your awareness exceeds…Read More

Is Wrong the New Right?

Author   Category Being You

What if wrong is the new right? What if your difference is the gift that will change everything? What if you actually know? Here’s an interview I did recently on Inspire Nation Show that is creating quite the buzz! Click here or below to watch…Read More

The Power of Questioning

Author   Category Limitless Living

The gift of our curiosity is its power to open us up to new and greater possibility in every moment. Curiosity is essentially the state of being in constant, unhindered question, inquiry and wonder. Discussions around the psychological benefits of curiosity indicate that not only…Read More

Accessing Consciousness

Author   Category Being You

I recently was interviewed by Tenille Bentley of Digital Consciousness. We talked about everything from why we’ve hidden consciousness, to how realities are created, to being you. Consciousness presents an entirely different possibility to the world. Watch the entire video below as we talk more…Read More



