anxiety Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Dr. Dain Heer


You Are Not Alone.

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder how you are going to make it through the day? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with sadness, depression, anxiety or loneliness that you sometimes ask, “What’s the use? Is this all there is to…Read More

Overcoming Feelings of Unworthiness

Earlier this week I had the honor of speaking with Shann on her podcast entitled, Anxiety Slayer.  We discussed how to overcome feelings of unworthiness, the importance of congruence, and why perfection is a silent killer. In addition, we discussed the Access Consciousness Bars and…Read More

Living As the Question

Author   Category Limitless Living

Most people function in their lives from a lot of conclusions. For example the conclusion that, ‘These are the only possibilities I have; these are the possibilities I don’t have.’ What if instead of functioning from conclusion, you could use questions to change anything in…Read More

Stop the Judgment and Self-Criticism

Judgment is killing you. As well as creating negative feelings, judgment affects your physical wellbeing in very real ways; inducing depression, anxiety and disease. Judgment is an inherited habit, not a natural human attribute. We came into this world wide-eyed with wonder, and accepting of…Read More

End the Overwhelm

There are a number of times in life where sometimes making an almost counter-intuitive choice can actually change things for the better.  Overwhelm would be one of those times, and here’s why. Most of the times we think we are experiencing a sense of overwhelm,…Read More



