To truly change what is happening on the Earth we must go beyond all of the “how to” of change, and into how we BE. Have you acknowledged that how you be and walk upon the Earth actually creates change? Imagine being more like the…Read More
When you change, does it sometimes get a little bit uncomfortable? Never, right? 😉 And when it gets uncomfortable, do you have total allowance for that and total allowance for you… and just enjoy the ride? Always, I am sure! Anyhow — this is a…Read More
I am not even going to try to put words to this one… Just come along to Munich and let me invite you to start to de-solidify all those places in your life that you’ve so far set in stone… Your choice of course. I…Read More
There are some days that just are more…adventurous than others. Days when you have to step into your true capacities in a split second. Days when you know that what we all are capable of goes way beyond what this reality has made real. What…Read More
Have you ever wondered what it would take to create the life, living, and future you’d truly like to have? Is now the time? What if nothing happens “to you”? What if you’re the one creating your future? Right now and continuously? What if you…Read More
This video is not from me, my friend. It is from my sweet body. It had something to say and got a hold of the camera in beautiful Stockholm, Sweden… One of the greatest shifts in my life was when I acknowledged the awareness my…Read More
You know that thing we used to do… intercontinental traveling? Well, I did it! I went from Houston, Texas to beautiful Casalborgone, Italy. And the very first thing I did when I arrived was this installment of the Tour of Consciousness for you all! Join…Read More
Some of you have been traveling with me for quite some time now, visiting places all over the world… And yet — there is SO MUCH MORE! So much more to discover, explore and learn from, so much more to receive, and gift. This wondrous,…Read More
Sometimes the creations you know are on their way to becoming something truly amazing, brilliant and unique seem to just… disappear. And you shrug your shoulders and say: ‘Oh well. I did it again.’ What if it isn’t true that it has disappeared, my friend?…Read More
If you’re feeling stuck, it’s never too late to change your perspective and open up to new experiences. Life is filled with beautiful things waiting to be discovered. This is how I changed my life life twenty years ago…. What if you can transform your…Read More