From this point forward, I would like to invite you to a different possibility. 😉 Are you ready? When your sh*t comes up, recognize that what it is doing is that it’s actually uncovering your fixed points of view from where you hid them. AND,…Read More
The holidays are a time where it feels like everything is a bit magnified… There is celebration, joy and brightness in the world; but there is also a lot of sadness, loneliness and grief. It’s often a touchy time of year where whatever we are…Read More
There was a time when I felt like the loneliest person in the world during the holidays, and truly the rest of the year. And not because I did not have family or friends; it went deeper than that. I felt weird and different from…Read More
I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Richard Schuster on his The Daily Helping Podcast. We explored so many things…. including how discovering the tools of Access Consciousness totally changed my life and started me on the trajectory of me being me…. Access gave…Read More
What if we could bring space and lightness to the whole money conversation? Did you already contract at the word “money”? Sheesh, I know! It’s crazy-town how instantaneously we go into all sorts of points of view as soon as the topic of money is…Read More
One of my favorite ways to relax and access the space of me, is by receiving an Access Bars session…. As you may remember, this modality is actually what saved my life and completely shifted the way I was engaging with and creating my life!…Read More
Have you slowed down? When there is stress and uncertain times people tend to sloooowwww down. What if fast is more natural for you? Let’s get you moving again, bring more lightness to your world, and get this new year started with more peace, ease,…Read More
We’re entering a brand new amazing year… The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive; receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I…Read More
Most people think that when things get uncomfortable, it is because something is wrong. Very wrong. Big wrong. WRONG in capitals. The way I see it is that when we get uncomfortable, it is because things are changing. And I usually say, at that point,…Read More
Ok, it is nearly the new year! The bells may already be ringing in some parts of the world! Here is the thing… I don’t have any suggested New Year’s resolutions for you. In fact, I would say any resolution will so easily become the…Read More