access consciousness Archives - Page 86 of 127 - Dr. Dain Heer

DAILY BOOSTS for sanity and laughter – Your personal advent "holidaze" calendar with Dr. Dain >>

access consciousness

The Space Is Now

Author   Category Limitless Living

It’s not what we do that matters. It’s the space from which we do it. What space can we now embrace and be – in this brand new world? Now … the video is only five min. Would you be willing to stop all the…Read More

Ease, Joy and Glory!

The first time I heard the mantra of Access, I wanted to KILL! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon.” I just wanted to tear the newspaper…Read More

The Superpower of Luck

Have you ever desired to have a superpower…or two? Nahh. Never, huh? 🙂 What if I told you that you have one? Or that you BE one? Already. And that the more you acknowledge that, the stronger it will grow. Come along to this installment…Read More



