Your Fuel

This is a Tour of Consciousness I did a year and a half ago from the streets of Brazil… and I’m still finding it so relevant for today! What is your fuel? And what is your kryptonite? What is the thing you’ve decided is your…Read More
This is a Tour of Consciousness I did a year and a half ago from the streets of Brazil… and I’m still finding it so relevant for today! What is your fuel? And what is your kryptonite? What is the thing you’ve decided is your…Read More
Are you trying to get normal, right? And are you … succeeding? What if there is something different about you? What if that is the gift you be? What if there is a world choosable beyond everything you think is possible? Really. Come along to…Read More
I totally get it is much easier to align and agree with the doom and gloom and sense of catastrophe. Or resist and react and dismiss everything as humbug and conspiracy theories! What if there is an entirely different possibility? What if you BE that…Read More
2020 was the perfect storm of a year where all of these things came together simultaneously and drastically shifted life on the planet collectively. My sense, is that it all came together like that and is rippling out in such a way because we are…Read More
I’d like to show you a new space that is possible now. A space of connection and communion and JOY. Come along to the ranch. Yes, again! Everything I’ve ever learned, I learnt from a horse. Still true! Now, what is YOUR new space? And…Read More
For the past few years, a small film team has been following me around…They’ve talked to people about what energy is and how they experience the modality for energetic transformation that I’ve developed, The Energetic Synthesis of Being (The ESB). Now we invite you to…Read More
Are you ready to hear something you may not have considered? It’s when you R E L A X into being that everything in your world turns to magic. You actually don’t have to work on being you, fight for being you, or figure out…Read More
I’m revisiting an old Tour of Consciousness from my past travels to talk about these different tools again! Yay! This is my second Tour of Consciousness installment on my quest to show you that you are miraculous! This time from the Holy Land…Israel. Now, I…Read More
The more I use the tools of Access Consciousness, the more I am amazed by the basic ones, the ones we get introduced to at the beginning and that most of us disregard since they just seem too simple to be that potent. Like functioning…Read More
Have you been looking for a way to stop the endless chatter of thoughts in your head? A way to get out of the contraction and limitation of this reality? Welcome to the Energetic Synthesis of Communion, the ESC. Communion is the energy, the sense…Read More