When I was in Venice, Italy this spring I was full of awe and gratitude for the amazingly beautiful world we live in. A world of wonders. How did we get so lucky? During one lunch-break, I took a tour with a gondola and my camera,…Read More
What if the whole reason for all these Access tools is so you can start living fully? What if it is about coming alive? Not tomorrow, or sometime in the future when you get the tools ‘right’, but NOW? If you were choosing to truly…Read More
Today I’m taking you on a run with the Universe, beyond the bridges of Melbourne, Australia… You can join me from anywhere in the world! All you need for this adventure is… 1) This Question: Universe, show me something beautiful? 2) An iPhone. (Or any…Read More
One of my favorite tools in Access is the following: What makes you lighter is true for you. What makes you heavier is a lie. Now, this is a video about when NOTHING feels light AT ALL. This is about the dark nights of the…Read More
What is consciousness? In Access Consciousness, we explain it like this: Consciousness is where everything exists and nothing is judged. Consciousness is truly the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It’s the ability to…Read More
As some of you know, I attended the Christmas party at the White House a couple days ago… I walked through the rooms, accompanied by the remnants of the past and the whispers of the future. So grateful for having that. Here’s a video from…Read More
You know how once in a while something comes along that changes your entire life? I mean…REALLY CHANGES your entire life? Do you notice how it’s often a surprise when it happens but totally unmistakeable after the fact? This may just be one of those…Read More
The Etymology of the word “vulnerability” is wound. The translation is, “as the open wound.” For many of us, our interpretation of this is, “Ahhh! That means somebody’s going to touch me and it’s going to hurt!” And we have plenty of evidence to confirm…Read More
What if there is a completely different way of functioning in this world? What if there is a completely different way of creating all our future? A way that revolutionizes everything you be, know, perceive and receive. A way that busts the myths of this…Read More
I would say many of you would really like to contribute to others — whatever that looks like for you. I know I do. It makes me incredibly happy when people receive from me. It is one of the greatest gifts someone can give me..really….Read More