What is creation? It is the actualization of your ASK, my friend! Now what if that could occur with much, much, much, much, much more ease and space than what we could ever imagine? See, most people are taught to create by constantly course-correcting based…Read More
How many of you are a little bit outrageous? One of the things you want to be willing to do, is to be as outrageous and as happy as you truly are…. But it requires you being willing to be different than other people. The…Read More
You know those people that feel like they want to sell you something–even when you just accidentally end up beside them at a friend’s dinner table??? The people that make you discreetly walk to the next bus stop to get away rather than waiting an…Read More
What if everything that is occurring right now is a gift? What if this is actually the change we’ve been asking for showing up in a totally different way than we thought possible? What if what has the chance to be created right now is…Read More
Hello beautiful people! We’ve made it to #6 of the 6 Tips to Create Money with Ease by Being You! 🥳 Now, if you remember, I kinda left you on a cliffhanger with the last tip… so this tip is the very next step. So,…Read More
Have you ever avoided something and then discovered it was for no good reason? Maybe you have noticed that the things we resist or avoid can be a huge contribution? Let’s have a straight talk about money and the tools that can change your financial…Read More
I am interested in who WE TRULY BE, beyond the mimick, the mask and image. In my point of view, it is from that space we can create the future we truly desire and require…since it is from that space we’ll KNOW WHAT THAT IS….Read More
Tip #5 – Acknowledge who you are being with money! Try this out! When you notice yourself feeling weird about money… Or you have a situation that involves money, and it makes you feel strange…. Ask yourself: Who am I being? Where did I learn…Read More
What if we could bring space and lightness to the whole money conversation? Did you already contract at the word “money”? Sheesh, I know! It’s crazy-town how instantaneously we go into all sorts of points of view as soon as the topic of money is…Read More
Hey beautiful people! I’m going to be coming to you for the next few days with some tips that you can institute right away on how to be you and create money! Last time I talked about bringing joy to everything you do. Today we’re…Read More