access consciousness Archives - Page 26 of 128 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness

Getting Out of the Wrongness

Author   Category Limitless Living

I recently had a brilliant conversation and question and answer session with men from all over the world.  What got created is the video below – the fourth installment of The Return of the Gentleman. It is an episode on getting over your moral compass,…Read More

Time to Fire Your Mind?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you realize that we use our mind to create a separation between us and our energetic awareness? The mind functions like a very conservative, stingy, gate-keeper, making sure only what it recognizes and judges as good and real can come through. That, my friend,…Read More

Infinite Space

Author   Category Limitless Living

Today I am venturing into that area of CHOICE! I’ve been noticing that a lot of people make choices from that space within them, where all the wrongness and judgment lives. As if that is the safe space for choice… WHAT IF IT ISN’T? What…Read More

All From Australia!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Well, my friends, I’m back in Australia!! And, to celebrate I thought it would be fun to put together ALL of my Tour of Consciousness videos that I’ve ever done in Australia – I can’t believe how many there are! So cool! Join me on…Read More

We Are Oneness

Author   Category Limitless Living

Now is our space…to BE space. The space beyond the solidity of thinking. What do you know, that you’ve been discounting because it does not come from your mind? Would you be willing to ask for that knowing? Would you be willing to have it?…Read More

Stop Stealing Other Realities

Author   Category Limitless Living

How much of you is … you? And how much have you bought, copied, or even plagiarized from people around you? And I don’t mean your greatness. That is always (ALWAYS) you, being you. I mean the limitations we plagiarize and make our own in…Read More

Laughed Today?

Author   Category Limitless Living

What is laughter – really? What makes you laugh? What happens in you and your body when you laugh? What if laughter is one of the quickest ways out of judgment… and into YOU? Welcome to this latest installment of the Tour of Consciousness, from…Read More

Breaking Your Comfort Zones

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you ever have the sense your life is set on autopilot? Or that you’re having an ok life instead of the exhilarating joy of LIVING? What if one of the main reasons is that you’ve made your comfort zone more valuable than being fully…Read More

The Way of Possibilities

Author   Category Limitless Living

When you wake up in the morning, what do you first think of – problems or possibilities? What if that sets you on the path for the rest of your day? And what if you could actually choose which of the two p’s to navigate…Read More



