access consciousness Archives - Page 78 of 128 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness

Creating Hope

Author   Category Limitless Living

The second wave of pandemic in India has filled many with anxiety, listlessness and an overall sense of despair. As the situation slowly begins to change, what if there are ways to get your motivation and hope back? And what if there are so many…Read More

Experience a Judgment Free Day

Author   Category Limitless Living

Is today the day to experience a judgement-free day? This interview was aired live during the first ever International Being You Day on May 22, 2021.  I’m so grateful for these tools and this conversation! Please join me as I discuss experiencing a judgement-free day…Read More

Just Leap Today & Be Happy

Author   Category Being You

What if your ‘one day’ could be today? This interview was aired live during the first ever International Being You Day on May 22, 2021.  I’m so grateful for this conversation with my good friend Simone Milasas!  It actually brought tears to my eyes. Please…Read More

Unwrapping YOU

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you ever wonder where YOU are? Well you may want to check deep within that big gallumped ball of other people’s points of view that you have wrapped so hard around you… That ball of other people’s crap that you keep defining and DEFENDING…Read More

You & Creating Everything

Do you realize that every time you judge something, or get frustrated by something, it is because YOU (yes you) have been there and done that? And contributed to its existence. In some version, in some way, at some time. What if you are actually…Read More

What If You Could Acknowledge YOU?

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if all and any of the crap you’re creating is based on this reality’s point of view? What if you didn’t have to get this reality right anymore? Truly! This I know… There is something so far beyond this reality possible…something easier…gentler…kinder and way…Read More



