access consciousness Archives - Page 116 of 128 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness

Building Friendships Amongst Men

There’s a misconception that solid, supportive friendships are the domain of women, and that men are more individualistic creatures with less interest in connecting with other guys.  Building those friendships amongst men may not come naturally because we’ve been shown a model of masculinity that…Read More

3 Tips To Stop People Pleasing

Author   Category Being You

In every workplace and friendship circle, there’s often that one person who makes a habit of putting everyone else’s needs and wants before their own; and is often identified as a people pleaser.  Generous as that sounds, there’s a downside. This urge can begin to…Read More

Being Kind To You

Author   Category Being You

Today I am taking you to the rolling hills of Texas, USA. And yep, I am wearing a cowboy hat again. It is one of those days. I’d like to talk to you about being kind…to you.  And I’d like to talk to you about: STOP…Read More

The Mighty Receiver

In this series, I’ve often talked about the phenomenal gifting and receiving that is possible with horses, trees, plants, birds, rivers, mountains, butterflies and rain…. All that, and every single living molecule on this vibratingly beautiful planet of ours. But what about inanimate objects? Like…Read More

I was going to kill myself

Author   Category Limitless Living

In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, 2018 and R U OK Day, September 13, 2018, I’m sharing my personal journey of how kindness of me saved my life. I had a seemingly perfect life when I decided to end it all. Years…Read More



